Blogging about Custom Furniture?

Why do I want to have custom furniture? | Given that it’s the second-most important holiday of the year (after Thanksgiving), what better time to begin a journey of writing about crafting furniture than on Halloween? As someone old enough to still appreciate the value of the written language it seems natural to communicate my passion for creating through this medium as well.

A value of custom creation is the joy that it can bring. Sure, it’s not the same joy as having a child, or graduating from school, or even landing that big job. Furniture, however, is a constant part of our physical world. It’s inert, yet full of life. We gather around a table. We work at a desk. We read books (some of us) that we pulled off a shelf. We get our socks, or our Halloween costumes, from the dresser drawer. To be able to support those things with something I’ve built is an honor, and I’m grateful for the opportunity.

It’s not yet clear to me where this blog will go, or exactly what purpose it will serve. I suspect I’ll wax eloquent about esoterica as well as sawdust. Who knows? Stay tuned.

Custom Furniture | Happy Halloween!


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